Social Media Marketing: Bulk Scheduling

Hi Everyone, 

I just wanted to do a quick author's note before this blog starts to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
2018 has been a life-changing year for me and I hope you can say the same for yourselves. Bring on 2019 is what I say!

See you all soon,

Alison xoxo

Business growth can call for changes in the way the business is run, or how certain task are carried out. At Seaside Creative, one of my main roles is Social Media management for various clients. Although I was scheduling posts before, up until now I had not seen any benefit in bulk scheduling posts for clients. My approach was more instant with only planning about a month in advance for generic posts.
However; as Seaside Creative takes on bigger clients with the need for a bigger social media presence, it will be important to not only keep a log of all the posts that go out but also to bulk schedule messages to avoid missing important dates.

This week I have been setting up social media schedules for clients so that the CSV file can be uploaded to Hootsuite and published as necessary. Having a spreadsheet with all the scheduled posts that is available to everyone allows the posting to social media to be a joint effort. Using collaborative tools such as Google Drive makes this convenient and easy to do as the documents can be accessed outside the office too.

In the new year, I will be taking on a client that has set subjects to write about each month and so having a schedule will be the most efficient way to ensure all the subjects get featured on their Facebook page. Until now, I have not had to run a social media channel with this objective which is why I have never fully explored the bulk schedule feature of Hootsuite.

Content I have created for clients in the past has been subject to change or is content that I make as something happens; whereas the content I will be creating for 2019 is timeless and can be created and then posted at any time. This is what has also spurred me on to start bulk scheduling for some clients.

On top of this; as an agency, any one of our clients could approach us with a request to see exactly what it is we have done for them. Having a spreadsheet available to show them enhances our professional image as well as reassuring them that we do have a professional approach to our social media marketing.

Experimenting with schedules…

As this is the first time I have created a social media schedule, I know that there is probably a multitude of things I could do to improve on the design and layout of the schedule. Although, I am aware that the format of the schedule is very limited as I have to follow the format Hootsuite recognises in order to make the schedule importable in the first place.

One feature I would like to look at adding is analytics of each post 7 days after it has been posted. Not only for me to know what type of content is working and what isn’t. But also so that the client themselves can see how successful their social media is and how efficient Seaside Creative is at social media marketing.

Overall; bulk scheduling is very new to me, but is something I really want to investigate and optimise to be the best it can be for future clients moving forward.
