Focusing on my professional attributes...

Within the last few weeks, I have become very productive with my college work and have managed to achieve over half of my required credits to pass my digital marketing diploma.

That has meant that I have been less active on this blog and as a result, I have been doing less ‘free writing’. However; this doesn’t mean that I have lost touch with my curiosity and have actually found myself researching even more than before with any spare time that I get.

Since settling into my role at Seaside Creative, I have found that I do get more projects and tasks sent my way which allows me to be more productive during the workday.
It has also meant that I can begin to really shape my expertise and get a feel for what areas I would like to specialise in going forward.

Digital Marketing is such a broad subject and I am so fortunate to be in the position where I get so much freedom to explore the options available to me. Getting to know my fellow classmates at college has really broadened my knowledge of what it’s like to be an apprentice in this industry.

Many of the apprentices I know are in businesses that limit the experience they can gain as they work in a company rather than an agency.
Agency work really is one of the best ways to gain the most experience because you are not limited to one field of work; instead, you get to work with such a broad range of business owners, getting to know many different industries and gaining different experience in each one.
But knowing about the other side of this has allowed me to really appreciate the position I am in and be proud of how far I’ve come.

What does the future look like?

To be honest, I don’t like to look too far ahead. After spending my whole childhood worrying about what’s to come and what to do with my life; I’ve come to the simple solution of just not thinking that way.
Easier said than done, I know.

Having said that; I do know that I have a great interest in email marketing and can see myself funneling into that. However; I do a lot of social media marketing as well so I don’t want to cut off everything else to put all my energy into one thing just yet.

In the long run, I would like to be an ‘all-round digital marketer’; being able to do a little bit of everything for my clients whilst still having a USP (unique selling point) which, at the moment, is being good at social media content and being able to increase engagement for clients.
I’m actually starting to develop a more professional approach at scheduling social media content by bulk scheduling posts. This allows me to have a spreadsheet record of the content I am putting out for clients as well as helping me be on top of the workload.

To conclude; although I have my fingers in many pies at the moment, I am beginning to hone in on particular elements of digital marketing. Slowly becoming a better marketer who is focused on her professional attributes.

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