Taking the glasses off...

When I first started my apprenticeship I felt as though this would be my ticket to the lifestyle I wanted.

After so many years of full time education, this was a huge change. Whilst all of the people I knew from college headed off to university I felt different. As if what I was doing was completely the right path and that everyone should be doing this.

Whilst everyone I knew was bragging about their new found social life at university, I was working in an office full time. Honing my skills and discovering exactly what it was I wanted to do in this industry.

Only now do I see that I was seeing my situation through rose-tinted glasses.

Almost a year into the placement, the novelty is beginning to wear off. My feet are firmly on the ground and I can begin to picture my future. Whether it be in the small business I work in now, or elsewhere.

Opportunities are never far-few, my work days vary and I do get a feeling of satisfaction when I leave the office each day.

My sense of belonging is so much greater than it was in previous years and my overall happiness has raised so much. Even family members tell me how much happier I look compared to last year - which is always a great compliment.

Don’t get me wrong, when I say I saw my situation in rose-tinted glasses, I didn’t mean in a bad way at all.
I just mean that when I first started it was all new and exciting, something completely different to anything I’d experienced. Whereas now I have settled in, the fantising about where this job can take me has become more realistic.

Now I feel as though I can fully focus on my future in a sensible, yet optimistic way - and I’m living for it!


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